“There’s not much I don’t know about Wem!”

When you ask Anne Marie Taylor about Wem her eyes light up. “Kind, friendly, genuine, helpful and a diverse mix of characters… Wem grows on you!!”


Anne Marie has insider knowledge of the Wem property market.  She moved here 10 years ago, first deciding to rent and get a feel for the area, then buying her home from the owner after just 12 months. Wem hasn’t disappointed, delivering the perfect work and life balance, and even enticing her jet-set daughter to settle nearby.

“In Wem you get so much more house for your money”, explains Anne Marie. “And it is so well connected, especially by rail.  11 minutes into Shrewsbury with a £5 return ticket, and trains all evening!”

Anne Marie’s in-depth knowledge of Wem’s property stock means she can quickly match homes with prospective buyers or renters.  There are plenty of bungalows within walking distance of essential amenities, ideal for retirees.  There are grand period properties and detached homes down winding lanes for high-end buyers.  She knows the appeal of newly built homes and the draw of pre-loved properties in need of some TLC (and can recommend good local tradespeople to help!).

It’s the diversity of people she meets, and understanding their unique requirements, that Anne Marie says makes her job in Wem so interesting.

Anne Marie enjoys listing Wem’s surprisingly varied amenities. There is Yoga in the Townhall, as well as BYO-wine Movie nights.  A theatre with drama groups for all ages.  Local fresh produce and craft markets.  A delicious new patisserie.

For families, Anne Marie points out the local schools and popular scouts, brownies and clubs which offer holiday activities.  She has met many young couples returning to Wem to raise their families and emphasises again the value for money.

It’s clear that Anne Marie likes to help people and she cares about getting it right.

Read next:  Property search  –  About Wem  –  What makes us, us?

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